
We build innovation with the SAP Business Technology Platform

We help you on your cloud journey with our comprehensive and long-standing experience in implementing complex SAP Business Technology Platform solutions.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

SAP BTP Innovation Day

May 16, 2024, Essen Zeche Zollverein

At the BTP Innovation Day, buco gave a presentation together with Globus on digital customer coupons. Additionally, buco was present with a booth and we had many interesting conversations.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

SAP Build and Governance

DSAG Technologie Tage 2024

February 7, 2024 at 2 PM, Congress Center Hamburg, Hall Z

This panel discussion brings together IT experts from 50Hertz, Henkel, SAP IT, and buco to discuss best practices in SAP Build and Governance. Moderated by Vanessa Micelli-Schmidt, SAP Build Product Management.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

SAP Success Story with Globus and buco

How Does a Cloud-Based Integration Suite Enable Better Shopping Experiences?
With coaching and implementation support from buco Business Consulting GmbH, Globus integrated SAP Customer Experience solutions by using SAP Integration Suite

Our SAP Success Story together with Globus for the implementation of SAP CX and SAP BTP customer scenarios at Globus.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

SAP Community - Integration Blackbelt Talk

Live Talk with Sven Huberti (SAP) and Detlev Belser (buco)

Sven and Detlev discuss various integration types and how these can be implemented with SAP Integration Suite and SAP BTP.
Many examples from buco customer projects, e.g., at Globus, Henkel, and CLAAS are discussed.
Additionally, the implementation of Event-Driven Architecture with Event Mesh is discussed and how it can help in conjunction with other integration types.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

Strategic Implementation of SAP Integration Suite and Implementation of Complex Security Scenarios at Infineon

DSAG Technologie Tage 2023

Infineon introduces SAP Integration Suite as a strategic integration platform. This presentation shows how governance topics in the integration environment and the implementation of reusable, complex solutions regarding security, authentication (SSO), and authorization were implemented. Particularly, the security and data protection-compliant provision of HR services is at the center of activities.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

API Management at CLAAS - Sales partner integration with modern APIs

SAP Integration Roundtable

CLAAS and buco present the presentation API Management at CLAAS - Sales partner integration with modern APIs at the SAP Integration Roundtable.
Learn how complex integrations can be implemented securely and robustly with SAP Integration Suite.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

Using SAP Integration Suite for Strategic API-fication at Henkel

DSAG Technologie Tage 2022

Henkel uses SAP Integration Suite for strategic API-fication of processes and interfaces.

This presentation shows how Henkel implemented the introduction of SAP Integration Suite and what steps were necessary for successful implementation. Using the API-fication of backend processes for Henkel's B2C webshop, the relevant aspects are presented in a concrete example.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

PAYBACK Integration at Globus with SAP Integration Suite

DSAG Technologie Tage 2022

Globus offers its customers the ability to collect and redeem PAYBACK points on purchases. This presentation shows how SAP Integration Suite was used to implement complex integration requirements.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

Digitalization and Automation of Customer Coupons at Globus

DSAG Jahreskongress 2022

Globus has digitalized and automated coupon management to make it as easy and target-group-oriented as possible for its customers. This presentation shows how Globus conceived the digitalization and how implementation was achieved using SAP Business Technology Platform and SAP Integration Suite.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

Payback Integration at Globus

SAP Integration Roundtable 2022

In this presentation at the SAP Integration Roundtable Event in Heidelberg, we show how SAP Integration Suite was used to implement integrations in the customer environment and how the Omni-Channel API Reference Architecture was used and extended. In particular, the PAYBACK integration is explained in detail.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

SAP BTP at Globus

SAP BTP Adoption Day - 2022 Walldorf

In this presentation at SAP BTP Adoption Day in Walldorf, we show how SAP BTP is used at Globus. It particularly focuses on development with Cloud Foundry, Integration, and SAP CX products.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

API Management Beyond Integration

DSAG Technologie Tage 2020

In this presentation, you'll learn what distinguishes Integration from API Management and where there are complementary overlaps to meet the challenges of new architecture approaches.

Background Blur buco Business Consulting GmbH

API-First: API Design and Operations in Practice

DSAG Technologie Tage 2020

API-First is seen as an important topic not only by DSAG. But how can API design be implemented in practice, especially when it's not just about system integration?
API Design and operation of APIs with SAP Cloud Platform Integration Suite.
We show you how to design good APIs and how to operate them securely and with high performance.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

API-First Strategy with SAP Cloud Platform

DSAG Technologie Tage 2019

This presentation shows how SAP Cloud Platform and Integration Suite were used to transfer the existing solution architecture in the customer environment to supplier and employee scenarios.
In particular, it shows how to develop high-performance APIs using BTP Runtimes and HANA database and how to securely provide these with SAP API Management.

Background Blur buco Business Consulting GmbH

API-First Strategy in Customer Environment at Globus

DSAG Technologie Tage 2019

In the presentation API-First Strategy in Customer Environment at Globus by buco and Globus, important aspects regarding the API-First Omni-Channel Architecture are addressed. In particular, JWT Token validation with API Management is shown in detail.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

SAP TechEd 2018 Barcelona

Presentation in collaboration with Globus

SAP TechEd presentation on the implementation at Globus using SAP Cloud Platform and Gigya, which has since been acquired by SAP.

SAP API Management and Cloud Platform Integration (CPI) are central components for providing services. Gigya serves as a central identity and access system managing all customer identities.

buco Business Consulting GmbH

buco Blog

From our exciting events to interesting projects